Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lemon Sides

This is a recipe that everyone knows and enjoys.It is nothing but pickling lemon.Everybody has their own way of pickling lemon.I am not a pickling person but this is a very simple recipe .Here I am not adding any spices apart from ginger and green chillies. This also serves as an easy/basic method for making pickles.But we can use it as such as a side with rice(hence the name) and it increases the appetite of even dieters and is especially good when you are recovering from illness and your tongue has lost all its taste. Here's the recipe.


Lemon:2 or 3 big
Green Chillies: 3 big or as per taste
Salt:2 tsp or more
Ginger: 1 big piece.


Clean lemon and steam them for few minutes.This will sort of soften them and this is required if you have got a thick skinned lemon(rough skin).Else you can omit steaming and simply cut them.Once they are cool, cut them into quarters.Take a clean sterilized jar and add the lemon pieces.Top the pieces with salt.

Chop the green chillies and ginger.Add these to the lemon pieces in the jar.If you want you can top this with juice from another lemon, but it is optional.Cover the jar tightly with its lid.You can shake the jar to mix everything together,but otherwise also is fine.It looks like

Keep the jar in the pantry for 7-10 days,by which time they would have absorbed all the flavours and you can see water/juice in the jar. It looks like this

Open the jar and with a clean spoon,pick the lemon pieces.Serve/Sqeeze them over rice.They would be very soft and you can chew them as well.

Also if you have omitted steaming earlier,but still find that it is thick skinned,you can steam few pieces before serving.Once opened it is better to store the jar in fridge.

For making quick lime pickle,you can take a few of these pieces in a clean bowl,steam it if you had omitted it earlier,then add chilli powder to them and mix well.Top with sesame oil.Serve.

Now the lemon side goes to AFAM:Lemon started by Maheshwari of Beyond the usual and currently hosted by EasyCrafts of SimpleIndian Food.

The lemon side picture also goes to Click: Citrus of JugalBandi with a title of Pickling Lemon

Hope you too enjoy the lemon sides.

I have been tagged by SriLekha of Me&My Kitchen. Thanks Sri.The rules are

(a) List these rules on your blog.

(b) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

(c) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Well I already did (A).

B)7 facts about me:

  1. I am a housewife,currently in US but settled in Bangalore.

  2. I am a very pessimistic person,coz I feel thinking bad first helps us to enjoy the good things/thoughts in life.

  3. I have a 3 yr old daughter.

  4. I am single child to very unlucky parents.(unlucky to have me).(He! He! Its a joke,sorry ! and laugh pleaseee.)

  5. I am a lazy person when it comes to fitness,but I am shapely(well 0 is a shape)

  6. I am a strict vegetarian.

  7. I work best under pressure.

C) I love to tag,

  1. Lubna of Kitchen flavours,

  2. Paru of Brindavan Recipes,

  3. Aparna of MyDiverseKitchen,

  4. SunshineMom of TumyumTreats,

  5. EasyCrafts of SimpleIndianfood,

  6. Vegetable Platter,

  7. Divya of DilSe

Paru has also awarded me a "Good Job" award. THANKS PARU.It means a lot to be appreciated.

Enjoy the sides.


Deepthi Shankar said...

hey .. lovely thing with the lemons .. shall try them soon .. thanks for tagging me .. shall comeup with somethinh soon ..good to knw that u r from bangalore

Unknown said...

Nice pickle recipe..Havent tried it myself though..And thanks for tagging me..

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

This pickle is very good with yogurt rice.
Thanks for the tag, but I've done it before.:)

lubnakarim06 said...

Yummy pickle. Thank u for tagging me. I will do it soon. Nice to know about u through that. U said u r pessimest and say u r parents are unlucky to have u what is this? None of our parents think like that. sorry for getting emotional. umm

EC said...

Lovely pickle..thanks for the entry. Completely agree with kitchen flavors..dont even think so..every child is precious to their parents..

Venkatesh said...

thanks for the tag..will be doing it today

Geetha said...

hey... interesting recipes.. have been thinking about making lemon pickle for a while now. Will start with pickled lemons instead!

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