Friday, May 1, 2009

FIC: Favourite May 2009

Each of us in all stages of life are influenced by colours.Blue for boys,Pink for girls right from infancy we hear.We grow watching the seasons change and along with it the respective colours of nature -White for winter,Orange for summer etc.Every season we categorize as per colour.We ourselves prefer different colours during each growth stage -Shy colours during childhood,bold colours during the teen years and a different colour for each mood swing and lighter and more sophisticated as we mature.Definitely we can see colours in the dishes we prepare.

But sometimes a particular colour travels right from beginning with us and influences us.We feel it makes us feel powerful,shows our temperament and is definitely our favourite colour and our Lucky one.Be it choosing a dress,car or furnishing apartment and even sometimes while facing interviews or writing exams we are influenced by it.

While not going into the details or scientific explanation of colours and their influences,lets celebrate the colours we like or prefer over others.So this time the Food In Colours started by Sunny Sunshinemom of TongueTicklers celebrates the favourite colours with FIC:Favourite here at TastyCurryLeaf

(image courtesy: Internet)

Prominent rule this time:

Multiple entries are allowed
A blogger/non -blogger with Red as favourite can send in several dishes where red is prominent .

Other regular rules are
  1. Raw vegetables are not allowed except if used as such in salads or prepared food!
  2. Multiple entries of a single favourite colour are welcome as long as they are posted between 01.05.09 and 31.05.09.No Linking back to the previous posts
  3. The food item should be vegetarian which means no eggs, the post should be a vegetarian post.
  4. If your food is cooked from any other blog or site please link your post with the name of the blog/site rather than 'here'. Also link your post to this post announcing the event and also to SunshineMom's Event Announcement .
  5. The use of logo is optional,though recommended.
  6. Email me at -tastycurryleaf(at)gmail(dot)com, replacing the (at) with @ and (dot) with . alongwith these details
  • subject line - FIC Favourite,
  • Your name,
  • The name of your blog and its link,
  • Your Favourite Colour
  • The name of the dish and the link and 300 px width/height picture
If you do not have a blog, just email the recipe and a picture and the favourite colour

The last date for entries : 31st May 2009 till midnight your time wherever you are. So do send me delicious and new entries in your favourite colour and the celebrate the best colour in your life.

Looking forward to colourful participation......


Yasmeen said...

I'm excited,excepting to see rainbow of colors:)

FH said...

Great choice, love it. I will be on break from next week, so will be missing this one. Enjoy hosting! :)

Deepthi Shankar said...

wow .. nice theme .. Happy Hosting

zlamushka said...

great :-) I know my color :-)

zlamushka said...

great :-) I know my color :-)

Priya Suresh said...

Thats a great choice..will surely send my entries!

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

lovely theme. will send some!

Red Chillies said...

Very nice. Have a good time hosting :-)

Cham said...

Good choice we can see multiple colors.

Mangala Bhat said...

Happy hosting ...nice theme ..:)

Manju said...

thats a great choice!! now whats my favourite color?? *thinking*

Unknown said...

wow realy I was waiting for the next color this is a very good idea will send my fav. color soon

Neha said...

nice theme, was looking fwd to this month's theme.., Happy hosting...

ST said...

Nice theme .Happy hosting:)

Anonymous said...

Thats a fantastic Choice ..the logo looks so inviting too !!

Sujatha said...

I think I've decided my color! Will soon send one.. Enjoy hosting!

Shreya said...

really cool that the theme is favorite:-) will love to see the round up and hope to participate:-)

Parita said...

Lovely theme...the logo looks fantastic...

Sunshinemom said...

Got time to catch up only today! Your logo looks cute, Swe:). Thanks for hosting!

vidhas said...

Lovely theme, happy to participate.

Subhie Arun said...

ovely theme..happy hosting

Hb said...

Appreciate the idea. I will definitely send my entry to you!

Ivy said...

I am sending something green for your event. I have just posted it.

lubnakarim06 said...

I just sent you my entry.

Thanks for visiting my Blog

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