Monday, March 1, 2010

Kopiaste to AWED: GREEK & Bourou Bourou

Greek Cuisine is the forerunner of European Cuisine and has a long tradition.It is said that the first cookbook recorded was created by Greeks.The cuisine makes excellent use of seasonal ingredients and it is said that tomatoes and other veggies taste best when in Greece.Greece the 'Hellenic Republic ' as it is known is well developed right from early times what with its ancient civilizations and its contribution to various fields like Administration,Art,literature and even food. The culinary tradition has inspired even neighbouring Italy,Southern France and even the Middle East as well.If the triad of 'wheat,wine and olive oil' formed the basis of ancient Greek Cuisine then the current culinary tradition brings into mind the kalamata olives,the thick yoghurt,the salty feta and Baklava.

AWED - A Worldly Epicurean's Delight an event originally by epicurean DK of Chef In You,takes you through a wonderful journey through world cuisines.The current stop is Greece and lets celebrate Greek cuisine all this month with its delicious vegetarian menu.

Kopiaste to AWED:GREEK

Kopiaste is a Greek Term that generally means welcome. it is said that you are lucky if invited by a Greek for a meal at his house.The table is supposed to be full of culinary delights that you will be at a loss as to what to eat.So I seriously expect you to fill the AWED:Greece Table with your culinary wonders that must follow the rules given below:
  • Make any Greek dish -vegetarian (eggs are allowed in AWED) /vegan and post the same in your blog.Feel free to use the logo. The logo is based on the National Emblem or the Greek Coat of Arms.

  • The entry should be linked to this post and also to DK's event announcement post.

  • Multiple entries are welcome,since more the entries,more the choices available.

  • Send me your 'name','recipe','recipe url' and '300 px wide pic' to ''

  • All the entries between March 1st 2010 and March 31st 2010 are eligible for the event.

  • Non bloggers can send the above details to the same mail address

The cuisine needs no introduction and the links of almost all the dishes are available on the WorldWide Web.But still. some important Greek Blogs are:

  1. Kalofagas
  2. Kopiaste
  3. Mama'sTaverna
  4. ClosetCooking
  5. MedCooking in Alaska
  6. Greek Gourmand

and several other droolworthy blogs/sites some giving even the detailed history behind the Greek Food.

Bourou Bourou

This is a simple vegetable and pasta soup from the island of Corfu in the Ionian Sea. The dish which I adapted from here makes excellent use of veggies and can be made with whatever veggies you have in hand along with pasta to obtain a hearty comforting meal.


Spaghetti: 1/2 cup + broken into small pieces.

Potato: 1 peeled and cubed
Tomato: 1 chopped
Carrots: 2 cut into long pieces
Bell Pepper: 1 chopped
Celery: 1 stem chopped

Tomato Paste: 1 tbsp
Chilli Flakes or Hot Pepper : 1/2 tsp +/-
Olive Oil: 1 tbsp

Put all the chopped vegetables in water and cook till tender.Add in tomato paste,little salt,pepper,olive oil ,chili flakes and boil for five more minutes.Add in the broken pasta (I just halved the spaghetti),and cook till aldente or done.

The soup was a chunky broth of pasta and veggies.Simple yet hearty and a nice starter soup if served in small bowls.There goes my first entry to AWED:Greece.

Kali Orexi (Bon Appetite in Greek!)


Priya Suresh said...

Wow wat a lovely cuisine, i really want to explore greek cuisine, thanks for choosing, will send my entries soon..

Soma said...

love it how you cook around the world and introduce us to new dishes and new names!

Swathi said...


I will try to send something. i like Greek food

Sumi said...

I love greek food.Nice theme for this month.Will definitly send you something.

Cham said...

Interesting never cooked Greek definitely this one will push me to send u soon!

Joie de vivre said...

I'll keep this contest in mind. At any rate, I'll love seeing everyone's entries in the round-up.

Usha said...

I think I have mentioned this before I always learn something new when I visit your site ! Loved the cute sounding bourou bourou, looks yum ! Happy hosting :-)

Peter M said...

Ivy, thanks for the kind mention, I will try and contribute a dish.

Ivy said...

Thanks so much for linking to my blog. You can count me in for your event.

Unknown said...

Sounds great! I am in! Can the entry be a sweet dish also or savoury only?

DK said...

YAY!!! at last the greek cuisine makes the appearance...was out of town sweets hence the delay in replying to your mail and this post..cant wait to start cooking! Just came today - hopefully the cooking bug catches me soon :)

Greeeek YUM!

CurryLeaf said...

Thanks for all the hearty comments and waiting for your aweome entries.

://:Heni ://:,You can send in any Greek Dish- vegetarian version- between March 1 and 31.Hope the doubt is clarified

Hayley said...

First time here..lovely event..surely I'll send mine

Cooking Foodie said...

Hey Cool event! I will try to send an entry...

Shabitha Karthikeyan said...

First time in your blog..Greek cuisine interesting theme..will surely send you a entry..Happy Hosting....

Namrata said...

Simple and satisfying soup recipe. You have nice collection of varied soups.

Unknown said...

sorry another question is dairy such as milk allowed?

Unknown said...

Noted the event :D

Lisa Turner said...

Just sent in my entry. Thanks so much for hosting.

Kiran said...

Hi ,My first time have such a wonderful blog.A wonderful theme--Never tried greek recipes.As today is the last day for the event it's too late for me to participate,but sure will come back to see the various dishes from the round-up.

Thanks for visiting my Blog

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