Monday, July 30, 2012

Baking Partners: A new Baking Group

Baking a homemade bread, cake or cookies will give the best outcome. However in order to achieve the best results, a  perfect recipe and  right techniques are required.

We are a small group of home baker friends, who love and want to learn more about the nook and corners of baking.  We are planning to try out recipes from books/magazines and cooking shows.  Every member gets a chance to present their choice of recipe and share important points with the rest of the group.

Main purpose of this group is to learn the techniques, critic the procedure if there are ways to improve, and to eat a delicious food.

Rules are simple, we will choose one recipe  and send it out to the group by 16th of every month and  the reveal date will be 15th of the next month . On that day we will  blog about it. A linky tool will be open during that time and each member can link their post.

First month we are going to do a recipe, 2nd and 3rd month will be a theme and the 4th month we will be back at  a recipe. By doing in between recipes, we will able to learn more.

All enthusiastic bloggers interested in baking are welcome, please email  at

We will appreciate the use of logo or worded link that will help to spread the word.  A bunch of thanks to Tina for designing this beautiful logo

If you   want to make it a gluten or vegan free diet, you can do those modifications also.


Baking Partners are

Julie (Erivum Puliyumm )
Archana  ( Tangy Minds)
Reshmi  ( EasY Cook)
Prathibha ( Cook Ezee)   
Priya R ( Cook Like Priya)
Vidhya (  A Portion to Share)
Usha Rao ( My Spicy Kitchen)
Divya Prakash( Divya’s Culinary Journey)
Swasthi Blank ( Swasthi The Health Freak)
Sanoli Ghosh ( Sanoli’s Kitchen)
Jayasri ( Samayalarai )
Pam Capone ( Live Ranch Delux)



divyagcp said...

Happy to be in the team. You have a nice space. Following you.
Do visit my space in your free time.

Swathi said...

Welcome to bakers team.

Suja Manoj said...

Hi Sweatha,glad to meet you through baking partners,you have a great space..happy following u:)

Thanks for visiting my Blog

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