Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rustic Apple Galette - Guest Post for Cakes& More

Some or most of you might have heard of a galette or rustic pastry or pie. Compared to pie its easy to bake a gallette which means we are tension free. You can go for sweet and savoury galettes as desserts or mains respectively. And hey, they save the day when you are doubting what to bake for the avid baker and dessert queen! 

What you curious.?... Bet you are. Stumped too when you go through her recipe/dessert menu.It reads like a huge enticing bakery menu and I am yet to go through the entire list.

 Psst... She is self confessed dessert lover! :)

Add to it, Matt Preston booming inside your head,"Is this dish Masterchef oops Cakes& More Standards? " 

Now you got it! So jump right into Cakes&More and dig into your portion of Rustic Apple Galette which I baked  for dear friend Suma of Cakes&More.

Thanks Suma for the wonderful opportunity. It was a pleasure writing for you.And galette topped it all.Hearty thanks for the nice words. They made my day.

What? Still here!, you are gonna miss it big time,... 


Priya Suresh said...

Just went through ur guest post at Suma's space Sweatha, kudos to both of you.

Swathi said...

Delicious rustic apple galette Sweatha. I love it. It is in my do list.


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