Monday, December 5, 2011

Tomato Sambal

Sambals are fiery sauces or dips used as condiments popular in Indonesia, Philippines and SriLanka.  These are usually  are chilli based and this one is adapted from Madhur Jaffreys World Vegetarian and is supposed to be a family recipe from Sri Lanka.

Ripe Red Tomatoes: 3-5 sliced thinly.
Salt: as per taste
Chilli Powder: 2-3 tsp as per taste

Oil:2-3 tbsp
Garlic: about 8 cloves : half of them preferably unpeeled and crushed and rest peeled and finely sliced lengthways

Fresh Curry Leaves: 15
Cinnamon Stick: 3 inch stick
Onion: 2 medium peeled and cut into fine slice (I thinly chopped them)

Lime Juice: 2 tbsp +/-
Caster Sugar: 2-3 tsp

Slice the tomatoes and layer them in a big plate. Sprinkle salt and chilli powder over the top and keep aside.

Heat oil in a deep pan on medium-high and add in the unpeeled cloves. Stir and fry till dark brown and the oil is garlicky in flavour. Add in curry leaves and cinnamon. Saute till they sizzle and turn aromatic. Add in the onions and saute till golden brown. Add the tomatoes and flaked garlic,stir well and cook till they start to soften. Lower the heat, and cook till the dish appears like a pulpy sauce and the tomatoes are completely soft. Adjust the salt and add in caster sugar and lime juice. Stir well.Remove the cinnamon stick and unpeeled garlic before serving.

Serve as a simple dip or side.

A tangy tomatoey dish which is also garlicky and spicy. The use of chilli powder depends on ou though the author prefers Lankan style powder and I have used the regular Indian one. Don't skip the sugar,as it is needed to balance the heat and tanginess. 


Priya Suresh said...

Super delicious sambal,loving it.

Reva said...

Sambal looks super spicy and delicious... best combination with curd rice..:)

Cham said...

That is a spicy dish, sounds simple too.

Swathi said...

Tomato sambal looks delicious, I made once eggplant sambal I love it.

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