Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Studded Banana Bundt Cake | Perfect Indulgence

Last post was delayed post. Talking of delayed posts this one takes the cake .. literally. This studded banana bundt cake was something I made almost 4 months ago and was sitting in the drafts.

What to do with a blackended banana?. Every time I see such a thing siiting on the counter,I make a face and move away. I prefer not to bake with banana.  I feel it makes the cake or cupcake or muffin or whatever you are baking heavier.This actually puts me off. I have defintiely tried overcoming this and had successfully baked the banana into things.But  the first sight of over ripe black banana... 

Still when I saw the bundt cake in this post I just couldn't resist. 

As usual I added my own twists by replacing the eggs and adding colourful tutti fruti bits as well. The recipe was easy to make and I got a thumbs up from my family and friends as well. I am sure if you try this one then surely you will not be put off by the sight of a blackened banana as well.


Unsalted Butter Soft: 6 tbsp
Brown Sugar : 1/2 cup (I used demerara sugar)
Granulated white sugar: 1/4 cup

Eggs: 2 OR EnerG Replacer packed 1 tbsp + 4-6 tbsp of water
Vanilla Extract: 1 tsp

Ripe Banana: 3/4 cup mashed

Salt: 1/4 tsp
Baking Soda: 1/4 tsp
Baking Powder: 3/4 tsp
All Purpose Flour : 2cups

Chocochips / Tutti fruti bits / Combo: 3/4 cup

Mix together flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder and keep aside. 

In another bowl cream together butter and sugars for two minutes. Beat in eggs and vanilla next. Add in banana and blend until it is dispersed throughout. Add in the dry items mixing until smooth.  Finally stir in the chocochips or tutti frutti bits. 

Transfer the batter to a greased and floured bundt pan making sure the batter is spread evenly.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350F/175C for 40-45 minutes until the tester comes out clean and the cake looks firm and golden.  

You can let the cake cool for an hour or two in the bundt pan itself and then remove it. Else place the bundt pan on a wet towel -soaked in steaming hot water for 2-3 minutes. Check with a spatula around the edges if the cake is stuck to the pan - this can happen if not greased properly. Then place a cooling rack on top of the pan and invert it carefully. Allow the cake to cool completely before slicing and serving.

Never before I have fell in love with a black overripe banana.. Itwas Perfect. Whatever complaints I had against the overripe fruit were simply forgotten. Soo YUM..



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